Android Fundamentals with KOTLIN

Android Fundamentals with KOTLIN

Mobile Development
30 h

Embark on a transformative journey into Android app development with our comprehensive course on Kotlin programming. From mastering the fundamentals of Kotlin to crafting sleek UI designs and implementing robust app architectures, this course equips you with the essential skills to build dynamic and responsive Android applications. Delve into key concepts such as functions, classes, and layouts, then progress to advanced topics like RecyclerView optimization and internet connectivity integration. Dive deep into app architecture, exploring both UI layer and persistence strategies, while leveraging the power of the Repository pattern and WorkManager for seamless data management. By the end, you'll not only have built your first Android app but also gained the expertise to design, develop, and deploy professional-grade applications with confidence. Whether you're a novice programmer or an experienced developer, this course offers invaluable insights and hands-on experience essential for thriving in today's competitive app development landscape.

List of topics

  • Kotlin Basics
  • Functions
  • Classes and objects
  • Build your first Android app
  • Layouts and App navigation
  • Activity and Fragment life cycles
  • App architecture (UI layer)
  • App architecture (Persistence)
  • Advanced RecyclerView use cases
  • Connect to the internet
  • Repository pattern and WorkManager
  • App UI design


This course is for

All Developers


  • Knowledge of Kotlin programming language
  • Algorithms and data structures
  • OOP (Object-Oriented Programming)
  • Basic knowledge of SQLite
  • Android Studio IDE

Program sesiuni


Mobile Development





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30 h


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