Press Release: A New Series of Free Technology Education Programs for the Digital Transformation of Public Institutions in Romania

Marius Vlad
November 29, 2023
Press Release: A New Series of Free Technology Education Programs for the Digital Transformation of Public Institutions in Romania, Developed by the National Alliance for the Digitalization of Public Institutions (ANDIP)
  • ANDIP is an initiative of the private environment, which supports the process of digital transformation of public institutions in Romania by conducting educational programs and providing free consultancy;
  • During the week of 20-24 November 2023, ANDIP organized, free of charge, a new cybersecurity course for IT managers from various public institutions;

Coagulated at the end of 2021, the National Alliance for the Digitalization of Public Institutions (ANDIP) is an initiative of the private environment, which aims to support the acceleration of the digitization process of public institutions in Romania. The initiative is supported by prestigious institutions and organizations, among which we list Informal School of IT, Digital Stack, Romanian Commercial Bank, Cluj IT Cluster, Innovx-BCR, DIH4Society, Fab Lab Iași, Arxia, HyperMedia or ECOTIC. The support programme for public institutions, initiated by ANDIP, aims to accelerate digitalisation by calling on three major courses of action:

  1. Technological education;
  2. IT & Software Consulting and Process Integration;
  3. Access to institutional financing (non-refundable and/or reimbursable), allowing the necessary purchases to be made for digitization.

Between 20 and 24 November 2023, ANDIP organized two new interactive (online) courses on cybersecurity, specifically: “Information systems security” and “Legislative regulations with an impact on cybersecurity policies”. The courses (with free attendance) were dedicated to public institutions concerned to digitize, in an accelerated mode, their activity. “We were glad that we were able to support the ANDIP initiative this fall as well, and raising awareness of cyber threats and cybersecurity courses are more necessary than ever. We believe that we need large-scale cybersecurity projects, taking into account the fact that cyber threats have grown exponentially, and we are seeing not only an increase in frequency, but a diversification in the way of operating and their complexity. The last few years have been crucial for modernisation and digital transformation in all sectors of activity, and the security of digital infrastructure and applications is a priority for all of us. Moreover, the security of equipment and operating systems in the public system is a key component of collective security.", affirms Ionut Stanimir, Director of Marketing and Communication @BCR. The courses in November 2023 were attended by 22 representatives from 7 diverse public institutions, divided into more than 7 counties of the country. Among the institutions present we mention: AFIR, Romanian Broadcasting Society, CAS, county councils and mayorals.

This autumn ANDIP courses were a new opportunity to reinforce the conclusion of older interactions that the alliance had with multiple public institutions, namely that the need for literacy regarding digitalization is urgent in public institutions, which are increasingly exposed to cyber threats. “The special involvement of the participants and their sincere desire to acquire cutting-edge knowledge and practices in the field of information systems security makes us believe that this time, too, the goals of the National Alliance for the Digitalization of Public Institutions have been successfully achieved.”, declares Carmen Ciulacu, Managing partner Digital Stack.

Starting from the results of the multiple interactions and support actions that ANDIP initiated during the current year, the alliance partners aim to activate in 2024 other new levers of action useful in supporting public institutions in Romania eager to accelerate their own digitalization processes. In this context, discussions have already begun with representatives of Cluj County Council so that, in the first part of next year, through HyperMedia (a member of the National Alliance for the Digitalization of Public Institutions) the mentioned public institution in Cluj can benefit (free of charge) from a modern e-learning application, extremely useful in the internal vocational training programs of the institution's employees. “We are glad that we can contribute in a concrete way to the digitization of processes within a prestigious institution such as Cluj County Council. We support the efforts of the CJC team in the digital transition by facilitating an e-learning platform that, in turn, comes with a number of benefits: from streamlining internal processes, to increased accessibility, sustainability, flexibility and more. We believe that an active involvement of the IT environment in the public sector is needed to constantly support and improve the services that come later to the community.” told Cosmin Corn, CEO of HyperMedia.