What a company needs to know about Reskilling programs

Marius Seinoiu
June 15, 2022

In the previous article, we talked to one of Digital Stack's mentors about automated and manual testing. We continue our discussion with Alex Gâtu about what a reskilling program entails, what companies should know before enrolling employees in this course and how reskilling programs can help with the problem of the specialized workforce crisis.

What do you think are the challenges that learners face in a reskilling program?

First, there was a fear of the unknown and a fear of making mistakes. By overcoming these fears, the learner can progress and step out of the comfort zone, adding a new skill to his knowledge baggage, that of the tester.

Secondly, it is about time, because such a course requires sustained effort for several months, and prioritizing current activities is essential to be able to complete the course with as many assimilated notions as possible.

What recommendations do you have for companies considering offering reskilling programs for employees?

My recommendation is to start these reskilling programs as soon as possible, especially where the traditional labor market for them has shrunk — under the influence of technology and, more recently, the pandemic. Employees participating in these programs will appreciate employers who give them a chance to change careers and stay in the company on another role.

But for employees who go through such a program?

If they receive offers from their current employer regarding any conversion course, sign up without restraint because they only have to gain. If the current employer is not informed about these possibilities, a discussion with him about courses that will be beneficial for both parties is indicated.

How long do you think it takes to learn the skills needed to change careers?

From my point of view, it may depend on the learning speed of each one. My opinion is that one cannot learn a skill in less than 3-4 months, because there would not be enough time to get used to the new notions.

Also, if a learner's learning pace is slower, my recommendation is that at the end of the course they resume the notes they made and come back to us with punctual questions as they progress later. We also keep in touch with graduates after they have completed the course.

What experience have you had with the internal reskilling programs run at Digital Stack lately?

The experiences are very diverse and, to a large extent, very positive, because the learners who come through Digital Stack are also motivated by the employer to do this process and a large part of them provide support consisting in dedicated hours for study. It is very important that a learner has the time necessary to assimilate the information and not be pressured by emails in that interval.

What benefits do you think a reskilling program brings to a company? But for its employees?

The benefits are multiple not only for the company and employees, but for the entire economy, in my opinion. If in the previous role they may have had a more limited impact on the end customer, now, many times, the added value of the new skills acquires global validity, as the company can also use digital products in other markets.

Also, the company does not lose employees as a result of reducing demand on the previous role, but adapts to the market, which increases the robustness of the company as a whole. Employees, on the other hand, view this process as a company effort for them and thus have a greater sense of belonging to the company in which they work.

Do you think that reskilling programs can help in the problem of the crisis of specialized labor?

From my point of view, it is one of the basic pillars that can cover the shortage of specialists in the field. The acceleration of digitalization in recent years has led to an increase in demand for IT experts, and the test area is no exception, being as a rule the second largest department after development in a company.

Through these programs, part of the labor needs is replenished and has a real positive impact both in the economy and in people's daily lives.

You can meet Alex Gâtu at the course Performance Testing — From Zero To Hero and on LinkedIn.