DevFest Bucharest 2023: How the event is seen from the eyes of the organizers

Gabriel Dăscăleanu
November 9, 2023

DevFest Bucharest is one of the cool projects to which we contribute year after year. Globally known among Google technology-focused programmers, DevFest incorporates conferences organized locally by Google Developer Groups affiliates. Hmm, ok, but what is Google Developer Groups? GDGs are local communities that bring together programmers working with Google technologies. So, DevFest Bucharest is the annual event organized by the community Google Developer Group Bukarest. This year it takes place on Saturday, November 18, at Novotel Bucharest City Center, from 9:00am — 5:00pm.

But, who are the people from Google Developer Group Bucharest who are behind DevFest Bucharest 2023? I talked with Alex Bordei, Bogdan Zurac, Codrut Ciulacu and Cosmin Stefan, the 4 organizers from GDG Bucharest involved in DevFest Bucharest 2023. They gave us more information about their expectations and desires for this edition, the reasons why tech-savvy programmers shouldn't miss this event, and how they combine programming with event organizing. Now, if you are wondering how we are involved in the project, the answer is quite simple. We are part of the organizing team, together with GDG Bucharest. With this mention, we pass the microphone back to the 4 organizers!

We start with the beginning: Meet Alex, Bogdan, Codruț and Cosmin!

My name is Alex Bordei, web programmer with 10 years of experience specializing in Flutter for the past 3 years. Outside of programming, I build robots and share time with my daughter, Ana. I am self-taught, with passions in neurology and open-source.

I am Bogdan Zurac, co-organizer of GDG Bucharest. I have been in charge of Android development since 2012, and lately I have been focusing more on systems architecture and engineering management. And when I'm not in the office, you'll most likely find me on a trip through Europe.

My name is Codruț Ciulacu, I am a Software Engineer at Adobe and a student of Automation and Computers. As a young child I was drawn to working with people and all that tech means. I am involved in several organizations in the tech area through which I teach and give back to the community.

I am Cosmin Stefan, Executive Director of Shortcut Romania, software engineer, trainer and adventure enthusiast. I have always been in love with programming. My first connection to the domain was programming some maps in Warcraft 3. Then I switched to programming, and later became attached to the world of mobile applications.

Tell Us A Little About DevFest And Your Role In The Organizing Team:
Codrut Ciulacu:

DevFest is an event that aims to bring together the most famous and popular Google technology experts and people who work actively in the IT industry and want to discover more about the tools they use. At DevFest, I moderate the Cloud & AI track. Basically, I keep in touch with the speakers in this area, plan the schedule and validate it with the organizing team and speakers and generally handle the flow of presentations.

Cosmin Stefan:

DevFest is a conference organized by programmers for programmers. It is a non-profit event, through which we try to bring together people who are passionate about technology, with different levels of experience: from students and beginners, to people with many years of experience, to business people. Because we focus on the technical side, and not on profit, we put a lot of emphasis on having the best content possible and providing a suitable environment for networking and sharing.

Cosmin Ștefan, organizator DevFest Bucharest 2023 și lider al comunității GDG Bucharest 

Cosmin Stefan, organizer of DevFest Bucharest 2023 and leader of the GDG Bucharest community.

What News Does DevFest Bucharest 2023 Bring?
Bogdan Zurac:

This year, GDG DevFest will come with a wide variety of speakers and presentations, in areas as diverse as Android, Flutter and Cloud. In the current edition, the focus will be on Machine Learning and Generative AI, as you have noticed that it is already in vogue this year in all companies. So we wish that this year, participants will come to the event with small and large, from juniors and students to seniors, because the presentations lend themselves to a wide audience.

Bogdan Zurac, organizator DevFest Bucharest 2023 & Engineering Manager

Bogdan Zurac, DevFest Bucharest 2023 organizer & Engineering Manager.

How did you get started with Event Planning, given the role of programmer that takes up much of your day?
Cosmin Stefan:

I fell in love with organizing events in college, as a member of student organizations. Then I was involved in many activities like this, from trainings (Atelierul Digital, Compose Masterclass), to meet-ups (GDG Bucharest, Cocoaheads) and attended dozens of conferences (from small ones in Romania to Google I/O in the US). I love to connect people and share knowledge.

Codrut Ciulacu:

I have been part of the DevFest team for several years. I started easy, since high school, trying to help with the organization at the registration desk, guiding people, setup. It is very important that you like what you do and have a team of professional people, from whom you can learn, something that I found in my colleagues on the organizing team who I want to thank for their help.

Codruț Ciulacu, organizator DevFest Bucharest 2023 & Software Engineer

Codrut Ciulacu, organizer of DevFest Bucharest 2023 & Software Engineer.

What do you like the most about the role of DevFest organizer?
Cosmin Stefan:

Most of all I like it is a down-to-earth conference. The focus is on technology, what is new, how new libraries are used or what are the trends. I love connecting with speakers, building the agenda and making sure people leave the event with at least an “Aha!” moment. Not to mention the DevFest team, which is absolutely awesome.

Alex Bordei: No.

I am very interested in creating connections with other participants and learning opportunities. Each stage of the organization is a chance to shape an unforgettable experience. I consider DevFest to be like a bridge between innovation and community, and I enjoy every moment when I see attendees connecting and growing professionally.

Alex Bordei, organizator DevFest Bucharest 2023 & Flutter Developer

Alex Bordei, organizer of DevFest Bucharest 2023 & Flutter Developer.

What benefits would you say such an event brings to the participants?
Alex Bordei: No.

DevFest 2023 is a unique opportunity for networking, learning and innovation. Participants will discover the latest trends, interact with experts and have the opportunity to expand their professional horizons in a stimulating environment.

Bogdan Zurac:

I often hear from various developers that they do not see much value in attending such conferences, because they do not discover new information in the presentations. They don't even care about networking. Get in touch with other developers, share your experiences, hear what others in your field have done. And why not, maybe you'll make a new friend.

Codrut Ciulacu:

I think I have made that clear, but in addition to contact with new technologies or good practices in the field, it is also very important to simply interact with people who do similar things to you or completely different things. In an event like DevFest participants have the opportunity to learn from anyone.

Cosmin Stefan:

I always encourage my team to go to events like this, both to be on trend with technology and to interact with other tech people and find out what's happening in other teams, companies or industries. In addition to the presentations, where we prepare the final agenda with very good speakers from the country and abroad, we will also have a cool space for networking, but also many surprises.

Something else...

Not sure what to expect from DevFest Bucharest 2023? We can help you. This year's edition comes with a day full of activities and talks from experts and leaders in the field! The three directions the event will focus on are: Android Development, Flutter and AI & Cloud Engineering). Together with the organizers, we will create a space where you can develop both professionally and personally. We have an article in which we go into detail on this topic. But, what is important to remember: DevFest Bucharest 2023 will take place on Saturday, November 18 at Novotel Hotel City Center. See you there, okay?

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