DevFest 2024

Cea mai mare conferință din 140 de țări creată de programatori pentru programatori.

Back in Bucharest!

Miercuri, 13 noiembrie, 9:00 - 17:00

Novotel City Centre, Calea Victoriei

Temele principale ale ediției din 2024

Meet the Speakers

Joshua Fox

Senior Cloud Architect

Joshua Fox has been working in backend server development for 20 years and in Google Cloud for six. He has enjoyed speaking and publishing about Google Cloud continually from 2016, including at Google DevZone Day, Google Cloud Medium publication, MultiCloud Meetup, and more. He is a member of the Google Cloud Insider group and has worked closely with the Google team betas. He is the author of Iris3, a widely used open-source project for automatically labeling Google Cloud resources. Today, he advises cloud-native tech companies on their usage of the cloud, in areas including Kubernetes, security, and MLOps.

Rustam Mehmandarov

Google Developer Expert

Chief Software Engineer

Rustam is a chief engineer and consultant specializing in the Java platform, architecture, and cloud-native applications and is a competency network coordinator at work. Rustam is passionate about open source and sharing his knowledge with others. He is a GDE for Cloud and a Java Champion. In his spare time, Rustam contributes to several local developer communities. Since 2017 he has been the main organizer of GDG Cloud Oslo, Norway. Previously, he has been leading JavaZone and the Norwegian JUG – javaBin. He is a frequent speaker at both national and international conferences and events.

Natalie Godec

Google Developer Expert

Senior Cloud Architect

Natalie is a systems/infra engineer turned cloud architect, with a soft spot for data platforms and cloud security. The world of infrastructure, cloud and devops is vast and fascinating, and being in it has this unique feature: it's her literal day job to enable other people to do their jobs better. Natalie's history includes monitoring the servers of the United Nations, fancy private bank's datacenter 3 storeys underground in Switzerland, 70 thousand servers of Morgan Stanley and a multi-cloud data platform at a London healthtech unicorn. At the beginning of 2023, she took her passion for building new things and love for Google Cloud tech into a new role: Senior Cloud Architect at Zencore.

Ahmed Tikiwa

Google Developer Expert

Senior Android Engineer

Ahmed is a seasoned full-stack developer with over 10 years of experience and possess a strong passion for my community and developing world-class applications that can help make a difference. He has experience in both frontend and backend systems, where he has built enterprise solutions for major telecommunication companies. Ahmed is currently a Senior Android Engineer and an official contributor to the Google Developers Dev Library.

Marton Kodok

Google Developer Expert

Senior Software Architect

8x Google Developer Expert (GDE), 3x Google Cloud Champion Innovator, Certified Cloud Architect @ Márton is a senior software architect at REEA who led the implementation of complex and distributed systems serving millions of users for companies like LogoMix, WaterSmart, Ausschreibungsdienste and many more. He has extensive experience in building big data solutions for clients using the Google technology stack, and in particular with BigQuery to solve challenging and complex data processing business requirements. Among other things he is active in mentoring, talks at conferences, interested in Android, and open source solutions like ElasticSearch, Beanstalkd, Riak, Redis.

Gabriel Preda

Google Developer Expert

Principal Data Scientist

After few years of working as a researcher for a high-tech company in Tokyo, Gabriel co-founded two technology start-ups and has worked for few products companies or software services corporations in software development for more than 20 years. Currently, Gabriel is a Principal Data Scientist at Endava, working for a range of industries, from banking and insurance to telecom, logistics and healthcare. He is writing about advanced data analytics, geospatial analysis, natural language processing (NLP), and generative AI. He is a high-profile contributor in the world of competitive machine learning and currently one of the few triple Kaggle Grandmasters (in Datasets, Notebooks and Discussions).

Lucian Gruia

Principal Data/AI Lead

Lucian is an AI Technology Lead and a seasoned Software Architect with over 12 years of hands-on coding experience in Telecom, Fintech, and Aerospace. He specializes in designing frameworks and complex solutions for real-time systems. Proficient in Java and Python with a deep understanding of architectural design patterns and procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming paradigms. Highly skilled in System Performance, Data Integrity, Artificial Intelligence, Fraud Detection and Blockchain. Experienced in leading international teams in both enterprise and startup environments.

Alexandru Gâtu

CE Regional Security Manager

With more than 14 experience in the IT field, a master degree on Computer Security from “Politechnica” University Bucharest, Alex is the Endava Security Manager in Romania. Having hands on experience on mobile, Web and API pentesting on various industries from insurance, payments and banks, his interest is to share the practical knowledge by speaking at various international conferences and other tech events. He is also a mentor at “Scoala Informala de IT” and “Digital Stack” in the past 8 years, focusing to help in the process of upskilling and reskilling on the testing area.


Biletele includ

Delicious food

Acces la track-uri


13 Noiembrie 2024

Agenda evenimentului

Timetable: to be announced

Natalie Godec – Balancing tight security with fluid devex, powered by GKE

The most secure server is one that is disconnected from the Internet and unplugged. And the most convenient environment for devs is where they have admin access to production and the freedom do what they want. How do you marry the two? Let's look at a real-world scenario where we built a cloud-native fintech platform on GKE. The vision? A robust, flexible, and secure foundation that supports SOC2-compliant deployments and empowers developers to be as productive as possible, contrary to the typical for the financial sector blown-out processes and approval chases. This solution is powered by Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) and the cloud's niftiest security tools from the Secure Supply Chain toolkit.

Timetable: to be announced

Marton Kodok – Vector search and multimodal embeddings in BigQuery

BigQuery allows you to generate multimodal embeddings and perform vector searches directly on your data without complex preprocessing steps. Simplify the process of finding relevant data, identifying patterns and trends, and clustering similar objects together. Learn how to generate embeddings using familiar BigQuery SQL syntax with multimodal inputs (text, images, audio). We’ll then review how to use BigQuery’s vector search capabilities to explore data in new and innovative ways, leading to faster decision-making and improved insights.

Timetable: to be announced

Joshua Fox – Taking Machine Learning to production Vertex MLOps for speed and efficiency

I have worked with many startups which emerged from university projects. They often run on a single virtual machine, which is what works for research. However, as the system scales and enters production, automation becomes crucial. Google Vertex can radically streamline this process. For example, model training is more efficient with a managed service that automatically scales compute resources based on your training needs, eliminating the cost of idle resources – as happens when you use a Jupyter Notebook or a VM for training. We’ll cover other parts of the ML process with Vertex and other Google Cloud services, including development, hypertuning, deployment for inference, tracking model performance, and defining the entire pipeline. The hard part is deciding when to switch. Learning new services and migrating to them takes precious time that a fast-moving startup cannot afford. But If you stay too long with the simple architecture, you end up building components yourself, and eventually get locked in. So, after reviewing the Google Cloud services you can use, I will explain the key decision points for when to adopt each of the services.

Timetable: to be announced

Gabriel Preda – Explore Gemma 2 features using Kaggle Models

In this session, we will became familiar with Gemma 2 by leveraging Kaggle resources: Models and Notebooks. We will go through few notebooks and explore Gemma 2 capabilities while using prompt engineering, RAG and fine-tuning to prototype applications with this compact and powerful model from Google

Timetable: to be announced

Lucian Gruia – Agentic Design Patterns: Bridging AI Agents and Microservices Architecture

This talk explores the paradigm of Agentic AI, highlighting the roles of intelligent agents in transforming modern software architecture. We will discuss the essential design patterns, including tool use, multi-agent collaboration and cross-species agent design, explaining how these frameworks enable AI agents to expand their capabilities, collaborate effectively, and adapt to heterogeneous environments. We will draw analogies between AI agents and microservices architecture, showing how agentic workflows can enhance process optimization, adaptability, and innovation. The talk will emphasize the characteristics of reactive, proactive, and hybrid agents, illustrating their roles in dynamic, real-time decision-making and strategic planning. Additionally, we will assess emerging trends in Generative AI, focusing on advancements in collaborative efficacy, adaptability, and the ethical considerations involved in AI deployment, including building responsible AI systems. This session aims to provide attendees with a comprehensive understanding of how agentic design patterns are influencing the landscape of intelligent systems and their integration within existing software frameworks.

Timetable: to be announced

Rustam Mehmandarov – Serverless Java Apps in the Cloud: MicroProfile, Quarkus, and Cloud Run

So, you need to have your Java app deployed and available for your users fast, and you would like to do as little managing, wiring, and infrastrastructure work as possible. How can you achieve that? Well, you go serverless with your containers using supersonic Java in the Cloud! Join us exploring the possibilities with MicroProfile and Quarkus on Google Cloud Run. Bleeding edge Java!

Timetable: to be announced

Alexandru Gâtu – AI & Security Testing - A double edged sword

Introduction to Security Testing - Areas of security present in any entity, how to perform a security test on various levels AI current state review - Status of the AI technology at the date, models available that involve security Areas where AI helps in Security - Tools, practices, approaches enabled by AI Areas where AI introduces challenges to Security - New attack types, skills, impact that AI generates on security Future ahead of us - What is predicted to come in the near and long term future in regards to cybersecurity

Timetable: to be announced

Ahmed Tikiwa – Channel me perfect: the importance of app notifications and delivering them via notification channels

Notifications play a pivotal role for any user-facing application as it gives your users the necessary updates when required. However, if they are not used correctly, they can end up being an annoyance for your users as opposed to something they need. Android has Notification Channels which assist in placing notifications into groups or categories, think of, "Urgent Notifications" vs "Promo Notifications". By placing notifications into channels, important notifications can be received into the right channel and non-trivial notifications can be optionally received and the user can decide to receive them, or not, without compromising receiving important notifications. This can be very beneficial for a delivery app for example - where delivery updates are the important notifications and promo notifications are the trivial, which can be turned off.

Descoperă puterea networkingului cu
Google Developer Groups

Dacă ești în căutarea unui loc în care poți cunoaște lideri experți care lucrează cu aceleași tehnologii ca și tine, tocmai l-ai găsit.

Hai să afli ultimele noutăți despre Android, Flutter, Firebase, Mobile, Google Assistant, Kotlin, Cloud, AI, ML la Devfest, conferința organizată an de an de Google Developer Groups.

Hai la Devfest 2024, dacă ești…

SENIOR - Te așteaptă 15 speakeri, lideri tech și Google Developer Experts, cu care te poți conecta poate o dată în viață.

INTERMEDIAR - Ai ocazia să afli de la lideri în domeniul IT update-uri din tech și tips & tricks aplicabile zi de zi.

STUDENT - Devfest e ca un hub de învățare, unde întâlnești profesioniști în domeniu cu diverse nivele de pregătire și unde poți cunoaște mentori.

CURIOS - Nu ai fost până acum la nicio ediție Devfest? Acum e cel mai bun moment!

Parteneri DevFest Bucharest 2024

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Devfest Bucharest 2024

La Devfest Bucharest ne unim forțele cu cele mai inovatoare companii din România și cele mai mari comunități pasionate de tehnologie.
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De ce să devin partener la Devfest 2024?

Dacă îți dorești expunere în cadrul celei mai mari conferințe internaționale organizată de programatori pentru programatori, într-un concept unic de eveniment, contactează-ne și hai să descoperi pachetele de promovare.

Cât durează evenimentul și în ce zi are loc?

DevFest, community-run, one-day, in-person conference are loc Miercuri,13 noiembrie. Începe la ora 09:00 și se încheie la ora 17:00. Experiența combină oportunitățile de networking cu cele de învățare prin agenda ce conține atât talk-uri de la experți din industrie, cât și sesiuni de networking.

De ce e atât de popular DevFest și ce anunță ediția din București?

DevFest se organizează în 140 de țări de pe glob și este primul eveniment din lume de acest nivel organizat de programatori pentru programatori. În București, ediția de anul acesta e dedicată celor mai noi trenduri din Android Development, Flutter, AI & Cloud Engineering.

Cum pot achiziționa rapid bilete la Devfest?

Accesează secțiunea Bilete și alege cea mai potrivită opțiune pentru tine. Grăbește-te!

Natalie Godec

Google Developer Expert

Senior Cloud Architect