React Engineering

React Engineering

16 h

React is without a doubt one of the most popular libraries in the Web in the past years. It has become the go-to library when building a new application.

The React ecosystem is large and vibrant and there are thousands of guides, courses and general articles about it.

However, true real-life experience with React & friends on high tra!c sites is extremely valuable in learning best-practices and tips around performance, code structure, maintainability and testing.

This interactive workshop will get you up to speed with react and its ecosystem, enabling you to develop applications with both speed and eficiency.

List of topics

  • ES6/ES7 crash course and refresher
  • Functional programming principles applied in Javascript
  • Configuring a Javascript environment and build setup for React development
  • Ensuring code quality using things like pre-commit hooks
  • State management in React: Redux, MobX, Context API, Hooks
  • Multiple approaches of lifting state up
  • Component based testing with Jest
  • Isolated Component development using Storybook
  • Routing with React Router
  • Styling React Components, CSS Modules
  • Multilingual, i18n support in a web application
  • Integrating with existing codebases
  • Deployment of React web applications, best practices
  • General tips and tricks around scalability, multi user support, HOCs


  • Modern React development explained
  • Learn to build scalable and robust react applications
  • State management in react with best practices and useful design patterns

This course is for

Architects, Tech Leads, Developers


  • Basic React experience, comfortable with JSX, props, lifecycle hooks and component classes
  • ES6 features like let/const, arrow functions and have basic knowledge of terminals and nodejs​
  • Laptop/desktop & internet connection

Program sesiuni







Hourglass icon
16 h


Award icon
Diploma of completion

Etapa 1

Ateliere Descoperă lumea digitală cu Google! (10 ore) și Generative AI (5 ore): înveți noțiuni de productivitate și comunicare online, adaptate la cele mai utilizate tehnologii ale momentului.

Etapa 2

Introducere în Programare (20 ore): îți dezvolți abilități minime în programare și testarea aplicațiilor.

Etapa 3

Curs de Web Front-End Development (80 ore): este un curs de formare specific, pentru a dobândi cunoștințe minime specifice dezvoltării de aplicații software.

Unlock your potential today!

Ready to dive into the world of programming languages? Look no further! Contact us for more details.

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