Designing REST APIs For .NET Developers
In a world dominated by APIs, where everyone seems to implement microservices, it becomes quite hard to choose a paradigm or standard on top of them that will solve all the business needs. GraphQL, REST, OData, gRPC? What to choose?
REST seems to be a de-facto standard. Despite that, many of these so-called REST APIs don’t respect the guidelines and become brittle, hard to evolve and maintain. Top that with a few references to HTTPClients for server to server communication, and you have the perfect recipe for disaster.
Are you looking for an API that won’t be a burden to you? How about data sharing?
In this course, you will learn how to model APIs that are evolvable and extensible, and how to leverage and learn what REST is really about and how to implement it correctly using .NET.
List of topics
- REST as an architectural concept
- HTTP Headers, Verbs, Status Codes Naming and designing endpoints
- Content -Negotiation
- Versioning
- Configuring WebAPI
- InputFormatters, Output Formatters Enabling/Disabling features
- Routing, Route constraints
- Implementing a truly REST API with all the necessary features and the right status codes
- Documenting the API
- REST APIs in context of Microservices HTTP Clients and correct usage Using OData
- Understand the power of REST
- Design evolvable and extensible API Hands-on course with real-life examples
This course is for
All Developers
- C# knowledge
- Laptop/desktop & internet connection
Program sesiuni
Stage 1
Discover the digital world with Google! (10 hours) and Generative AI (5 hours): learn online productivity and communication skills, adapted to today's most widely used technologies.
Stage 2
Introduction to Programming (20 hours): develop minimal programming and application testing skills.
Stage 3
Web Front-End Development Course (80 hours): this is a training course to acquire the minimum knowledge specific to software application development.
Unlock your potential today!
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